Who are we?

Safety, Health and Environment

At E&MS we are fully aware about our responsibility regarding environmental protection, safety and health of our employees and any third party who could be affected by our operations. Hence, we have a safety, health and environment program ensuring that all aspects related to these areas are incorporated in our processes and so, all corresponding regulations are fulfilled.

Through the application of this program, accident prevention plans are continuously improved to avoid any pollution in our operations relying on efficient communication and resource training, using constant evaluation and making comparisons with the Venezuelan laws and regulations.

The environmental regulation of E&MS has been developed following the COVENIN standards and Venezuelan laws (LOPCYMAT, Ley Orgánica de Prevención, Condiciones y Medio Ambiente de Trabajo – Organic Law for the Prevention, Conditions and Safe Work Environment, in Spanish).

The goal of E&MS´s policy in terms of safety, health and environment is ZERO accidents, through a philosophy of avoiding personal injuries, losses or property damage and maintaining natural conditions of the environment. Thus, this regulation is a priority and it’s considered by the organization as part of their business-oriented principles.

Safety, Health and Environment Policy

E&M Solutions, C.A., has established essential guidelines regarding Safety, Health, and Environment that include all regulations following the laws, standards and local, national and international rules. Also, it includes all internal regulations, standards and procedures from the client’s Enterprise, reaching the “Zero Incidents – Zero Accidents – Zero Labor Illnesses – Zero Damage to Facilities – Zero Environmental Impact” goal.

To be an E&MS business partner is to provide your company with access to all of our software tools developed after many hours of engineering and field experience, thus finding the adequate solution to each specific situation.